Looking After Yourself In 2021: A Self-Care Guide to Comfort and Happiness

Last Updated on 1st December 2023

Living life through a global pandemic has certainly not been easy for a lot of us. In fact, it has been a huge challenge and many of us are conforming to a new way of life.

It is hugely important that, after such a turbulent year, we take time to look after ourselves and do everything we can to maintain a positive mental attitude and good health.

Here is a quick and handy guide to self-care in 2021.

Incorporate A Healthy Diet and Regular Exercise into Your Lifestyle

A healthy diet doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. In fact, forcing yourself to give up the things you love can end up having a detrimental impact on your mental health. It is important that you incorporate healthy meals into your diet and eat the foods that are not good for you in moderation. A healthy diet can be hugely beneficial for you both physically and mentally and it can have a positive impact on your daily life.

Regular exercise is hugely important in helping you feel motivated and more importantly in keeping you healthy. Exercise doesn’t have to be intense and if you don’t want to partake in running or the gym then there are plenty of exercises you can do around the home to help give you a fitness fix. This will help you feel motivated and ready for the day.

time to be happy

Transform Your Space into a Cosy Sanctuary

As well as looking after ourselves through a healthy diet and regular exercise, it is also important for us to give ourselves a space where we feel comfortable. It is hugely important for us to take time to relax and de-stress; turning your room into a cosy sanctuary can do just that.

With the help of advice from Happy Beds, you can make your bedroom look like a hotel suite that oozes luxury and relaxation. Switching up your bedroom can give you the ultimate safe space so if you need to switch off you know you can go to your room and fully wind down. Why not have fun with it and decorate your room to give you a fun activity to do?

Accept yourself for who you are

Yes, it’s time to embrace the person you are. Spend time on yourself and get to know more about your mental health. We are all unique, but that doesn’t mean we should not love ourselves. Regardless of any embarrassing ailments or any physical defect, you are someone worthy of love and affection. And that starts with you.

If you are feeling anxious or depressed, take some time for yourself. Take a warm bath, read a book, spend some time outside in nature. This will allow you to manage your feelings and gain some perspective on what is happening.

It is also important not to compare ourselves to other people as we all have different experiences and journeys in life. Don’t let other people’s opinions affect how you feel about yourself.

Do More of The Things You Love

It may sound obvious, but so many of us forget to take time out to do the things we love. It is easy to get caught up in work and family life but taking the time to do activities you love can positively impact your mental health and help you to de-stress.

This point will vary between people. Maybe you have a sport that you enjoy or maybe you enjoy reading a book in the park. Whatever it is, you should always try to incorporate it into your lifestyle to work towards a happier and healthier you.

If you have to work from home so feel coupled up, consider investing in creating an office space at home that allows you to separate out your day with ease.

There are plenty of self-care activities that you can try out and they don’t always have to be complex. Even persuading yourself to get out of the house to have a walk with a friend can help – especially after a year of lockdowns and isolation. It’s time to get out and enjoy the great outdoors again.