Beginners Guide To Running: What You Need To Get Started

Last Updated on 1st December 2023

Running is a one of the most popular and accessible forms of exercise that has been proven to have numerous health benefits, from improving cardiovascular endurance to reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Whether you’re looking to lose weight, improve your overall fitness level or just enjoy the great outdoors, running is an excellent way to achieve your goals. With the right mindset, gear and training plan, anyone can become a runner and experience the physical and mental benefits that come with it.

Starting a running routine can be intimidating and overwhelming for beginners, especially if they need help knowing where to begin or what equipment they need. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide for novice runners on how to get started with running and what essential tools they need to succeed.

So if you’re ready to take the first step towards becoming a runner but need help knowing where to start, keep reading this beginner’s guide for all the information you need.

running as a beginner

The Benefits of Running for Beginners

Exploring the advantages of incorporating running into one’s fitness routine can provide insight into how this form of exercise may positively impact physical and mental well-being.

Running is a highly effective way to improve cardiovascular health, which in turn reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other severe conditions. It also improves lung capacity, strengthens muscles and bones, and helps maintain a healthy weight by burning calories.

Besides the physical benefits, running has been shown to affect mental health significantly. Running releases endorphins that promote feelings of euphoria and reduce stress levels. It can help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety by providing an outlet for emotional expression.

Additionally, regular runners often report feeling more energized throughout the day due to increased circulation and oxygen flow in their bodies. Finally, running can be a social activity that fosters connections with others with similar interests or goals.

Essential Equipment for Running

Acquiring essential running gear is crucial for anyone interested in pursuing a successful, efficient, and comfortable running experience. Proper hydration is paramount to avoid dehydration during runs. Carrying a water bottle or investing in a hydration pack that fits snugly on your back and stays put while you run is advisable.

Safety gear such as reflective vests, headlamps or flashlights, and ankle bands are also vital when running outdoors at night or in low-light conditions.

A reliable stopwatch or GPS-enabled watch helps monitor progress by tracking distance covered, pace per mile/kilometre, heart rate zones and calories burned. Last but not least, essential for many runners is music, which provides the motivation that can help increase performance quality; it can be played through headphones connected to mobile devices while on the go or via portable speakers at home gym setups.

gps watch for running

Tips for Finding the Right Shoes and Clothing

Achieving optimal performance and comfort during running requires finding the right shoes and clothing.

Choosing shoes is one of a runner’s most important decisions, as they can significantly impact comfort and performance. It is crucial to find a pair that fits well, provides adequate support and cushioning for the individual’s foot type and pronation, and suits their intended use (e.g. trail running vs road running).

While budget options are available, investing in high-quality shoes can prevent injury and improve the overall running experience.

Finding clothes suitable for running is also essential for comfort and performance. Breathable materials such as moisture-wicking fabrics help keep runners cool by allowing sweat to evaporate quickly. Clothing should also fit well without being too tight or loose, preventing chafing or discomfort during movement.

In addition to practical considerations, runners may choose clothing that reflects their personal style or preferences for bright colours or patterns that increase visibility while on the roads at night. Ultimately, focusing on proper fit and function when choosing running gear can enhance both enjoyment of the activity and success in achieving personal goals.

biomechanical analysis
Gait and Technique Analysis studies your biomechanical movement patterns

Gait And Technique Analysis

Gait and Technique Analysis is the process of identifying movement patterns that may lead to injury or limit performance. The analysis can involve the use of video, specialized software, and force plates to assess a person’s gait, posture, and technique. The results can then be used to improve an individual’s performance, reduce the risk of injury, and optimize their movement efficiency and suggest the best style of trainers for your running style.

Supination running shoes are designed to provide extra cushioning and support for runners who have a tendency to roll their feet outward (supinate) when running. They typically feature extra cushioning in the heel, arch, and sole to help absorb shock and reduce the risk of injury.

Setting Realistic Goals and Staying Motivated

Establishing attainable objectives and sustaining inspiration are critical components for runners to enhance their performance and sustain long-term engagement in the activity.

Building endurance is a common goal among new runners, but it’s important to set realistic expectations based on your current fitness level and gradually increase your distance over time.

Finding accountability can also help keep you motivated. Consider joining a running group or finding a running buddy who shares similar goals and can provide support and encouragement along the way.

Incorporating strength training into your routine can also help improve your running performance by increasing overall muscle strength, reducing the risk of injury, and improving your posture and form.

It’s also essential to overcome mental barriers that may arise during challenging runs or when progress feels slow. Practice positive self-talk, visualize success, and remind yourself of why you started running in the first place.

Finally, mixing up your routine with different types of runs (such as interval training or hill repeats) can keep things interesting and prevent boredom or burnout. Remember that progress takes time, but staying committed to achievable goals and maintaining motivation will ultimately lead to success as a runner.

running apps tracking maps

Helpful Apps and Accessories for Tracking Progress

Tracking progress is made easier with the use of helpful apps and accessories, allowing runners to monitor their performance and make adjustments to improve their overall running experience.

Running Apps such as Nike Run Club, Strava, and MapMyRun allow runners to track their distance, pace, calories burned, and route taken. These apps also provide audio feedback during runs to keep runners motivated and on track towards achieving their goals.

Heart rate monitors are another useful accessory to help runners accurately measure their heart rate during exercise. This information can be used to determine the intensity of a workout and adjust it accordingly.

GPS watches are also popular among runners as they accurately track distance travelled and speed achieved. They also have features such as lap timers that allow runners to set targets for themselves based on time or distance covered.

Running belts are essential for carrying small items such as phones, keys, or energy gels without interfering with running form or causing discomfort.

Water bottles are also crucial in ensuring proper hydration during runs, especially when going on long distances.

The tracking progress is crucial in improving one’s running experience; this can be made more accessible by using various accessories such as GPS watches, heart rate monitors, running belts and water bottles alongside helpful running apps that provide audio feedback during workouts. With these tools at hand, beginners can monitor their progress easily while staying motivated towards achieving their goals efficiently.


In conclusion, running is an excellent way for beginners to improve their physical and mental health. With the right gear and mindset, anyone can start running and reap its benefits.

Essential gear includes comfortable shoes, moisture-wicking clothing, and devices for tracking progress. Setting realistic goals and staying motivated by finding a supportive community or using helpful apps is essential.

Remember that progress takes time and consistency, but anyone can become a successful runner with patience and dedication. As an experienced runner, I encourage beginners to take the first step towards this rewarding activity.

The journey may not always be easy, but it will be worth it in the end. Running has helped me improve my fitness, manage stress, and boost my confidence.

So grab your gear and hit the road – you never know where running may take you!